I am interested in the process and material relationships between drawing, painting, sculpture and installation practice in the context of textiles- what I explain or refer to as an obsessive manipulation of cotton, polyester or silk thread – a continuous drawn line of fibre. My present works range in terms of size, colour, and pattern, and experiments with both two and three dimensionality. This helps maintain a fragility in surface development and resilience in structure, favouring a direct viewing engagement with the work in order to appreciate the material and its construction process, qualities which photographic documentation do not present as clearly.
“Drawing a Line” is a drawing piece that works the architectural “built-in” space between the ceiling, floor, and four walls. Using spools of gold thread, a spatial map is built between the gravitational binaries/boundaries.Through a pulling/falling/dropping action, the multiple spools of suspended gold threads begin to tumble and unravel down to the floor, with each slowly giving over its singular starting point into a swirling “piling” linear hybrid mass of thread. The initial positioning of the spools directs the resulting process by mapping a line across the space.
“To draw a line is to have an idea” – Andy Goldsworthy
When one is physically drawing with this thread, it becomes an incredibly repetitive, hypnotic process, with the body assuming a machine-like act. You begin to daydream, your head filling up with stories relating to self, day-to-day activities and memories: what am I doing, who am I, where am I, what is possible.

Karee S Dahl, Sketching Space in Gold, 2013, SIKKA Art Fair, Dubai UAE, Originally commissioned and produced by the Dubai Culture & Arts Authority UAE.

Photograph Courtesy of Zanette Kahler


Karee has had a diverse career with extensive practice as an artist and arts profiler in Australia. More recently, she has spent eight and nine years invested offshore in Southeast Asia and the United Arab Emirates respectively. Of Scandinavian-American descent, she hails from Crows Nest Queensland Australia. With an interest in both the practice and management of art, she majored in Fine Arts, Drawing and completed a Masters degree in Business “Arts and Cultural Management”. Karee has participated in 11 Solo exhibitions, over 70 group exhibitions and 20 collaborative exhibitions including SIKKA 2013, an Art Dubai project UAE; CP Open Biennale Indonesia; Gwanju Biennale Korea; Nokia Singapore Art; ARTSingapore; The Fifth Baguio Arts Festival Philippines; Expressions of Asian Art Taiwan ROC; Space Traffic Conference Para/Site and Asia Art Archive Hong Kong; Crossovers Symposium Tasmania Australia, and branding affiliate exhibitions with Theo Belgium spectacles; Singapore Fashion Week; Celebrate Australia – Australia High Commission in Singapore; World Cup Flag Exhibition “Soccer” Seoul Korea; and various awareness campaigns including AIDS Awareness; housework project domestic workers in Singapore at Alliance Franciase; International Women’s Day; international peace on a postcard project and prayer flags project.